Green Dot bystander intervention

Green Dot is a nationally recognized bystander intervention program that focuses on building the skills needed for individuals to take action when they see instances of power-based personal violence (stalking, intimate partner violence, and sexual assault). "Green Dots" are small choices that each of us make with our words or actions which help prevent harm from occurring in our community. The Green Dot motto is, "No one has to do everything, but everyone has to do something."

The core of Green Dot is a six-hour interactive training for students designed to equip participants with the necessary connections, knowledge and skills to increase their proactive and reactive bystander behaviors. The training focuses on defining the role of the bystander, recognizing behavior that leads to harm, and understanding personal obstacles to action. One-hour overviews of Green Dot are available for students, faculty and staff who want to learn the basic principles of Green Dot. 

To request an overview session please email Rainesha (Rai) Williams-Fox, Coordinator of Student Life Wellness, at 

Overview learning objectives: students

  • Students will recognize behaviors that may constitute dating/domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking, or behaviors that may be immediate precursors to these types of violence.
  • Students will be intrinsically motivated to intervene in order to: reduce harm after possible violence has started, reduce the likelihood that it will happen again, and reduce the likelihood that it will happen at all.
  • Students will recognize barriers that may prevent them from doing something in the face of potential power-based violence.
  • Students will develop realistic options to act given their unique set of barriers
  • Students will learn realistic pro-social behaviors they can do to establish two campus norms: 1) Power based personal violence will not be tolerated, and 2) Everyone is expected to do their part.

Overview learning objectives: faculty and staff

  • Participants will understand key components of the Green Dot Strategy
  • Participants will understand the dynamics of culture change
  • Participants will feel empowered and equipped to be a part of meaningful culture change on campus as it pertains to domestic/dating violence, sexual violence and stalking
  • Participants will have the knowledge and tools they need to contribute to positive norms pertaining to power-based personal violence
  • Participants will have the knowledge and tools they need to support students and colleagues in making positive contributions to campus safety